Whether you’re here as a prospective starter, a current Newton family or just being inquisitive, a very warm welcome to! This website will tell the story of a happy, busy and forward-looking school.
We are a community school (in every sense of the word) where we pride ourselves on being a central part of our children’s and their families’ lives. Staff at Newton work hard to develop our curriculum, focusing on all subjects within the primary syllabus and all experiences that can enrich learning. To whet your appetites, please see our Forest Federation Thirty here.
We have an open-door policy so do get in touch if you have any queries whatsoever. We are always looking for constructive feedback. Please email head@newton.cambs.sch.uk with anything that you think would be of use to us!
If we haven’t met in person yet, I look forward to doing so soon at one of our upcoming events.
Kind Regards
Rachel Stephens
Head of School